Official Supplier Program
Camping In Ontario, founded in 1969, is the largest industry association representing campgrounds in Ontario, with close to four hundred members located all over the Province.
The Association is always looking to partner with companies that either serve the camping industry already or are looking to expand into the campground market.

Why Partner with us?We offer Suppliers two opportunities a year to speak face to face with owners. At our events, our suppliers consistently rate interest in their product as High or Very High with 30% having orders placed with them at the show. You can expect to chat with upwards to one hundred prospective clients at each event.

Your business is listed as on Official Supplier on our Website and in the Annual Buyers Guide. Your company also receives a dedicated email blast to our membership when you sign up. Our owners turn to Official Suppliers when they need someone who knows our industry.

Next Steps!To explore how your business can benefit from working with the Association, please reach out and set up a meeting. Call the office at 289-660-2192 or email opca@campinginontario.ca. Expand your market and grow your business. Think Association First!